Five Quick Tips for More Successful Networking

Topic(s): Uncategorized
Publication: Harvard Business Review
Article: 5 Networking Tips for Introverts (and Anyone Else)
Authors: W. Das, S. Dewalt
Reviewed by: Daisy Rowser-Grier

Networking can help you boost your career, and it is an ability that can be developed no matter your personality type. Recently, and article in Harvard Business Review (Das & Dewalt, 2024) provides five critical tips that can help professionals grow into thriving networkers.


Open your mind to gain different perspectives: Thinking flexibly can help you adapt to dynamic situations and face a variety of different conversations. The authors recommend changing daily habits throughout the day, which will encourage your brain to change its way of thinking. This can eventually lead to a more flexible mindset.

Adopt a promotion-focus mindset: This means being hopeful and positive about end goals, as opposed to a prevention-focused mindset that only aims to avoid negative outcomes. The authors found that a professional with a promotion-focused mindset is most likely to network successfully.

Believe in your abilities: If you are convinced you can be a successful networker, you can become one. The authors found that self-efficacy boosts your likelihood of networking by 25%. The authors recommend becoming more aware of your emotions and replacing negative or ruminating thoughts with “positive self-talk.”

Try and try again: The authors say that being persistent in life can get you far, so it makes sense to try it with networking. They say that consistently making time to network each week, whether virtual or in person, can increase networking success by 51%. They also say not to take rejection too personally.

Think about what lies ahead: The authors say that thinking about the future will predict the likelihood of engaging in networking. This may involve thinking about attending an upcoming networking event or what you might encounter at it. The authors recommend familiarizing yourself with events, professionals, and organizations before you attend, as well as practicing an elevator speech or what you might say to other people while at the event.


This article suggests that all professionals can take steps to build their networking skills. Networking effectively takes confidence, open-mindedness, resilience, and self-reflection. Following the steps the authors provided and widening your perspective in networking can help you achieve career success.


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