Help Your Employees Live Their Calling

Everybody wants to do work they enjoy; most people want to do work that matters; but only a few people have found work that blends these two desires – their calling. People who find and live their calling tend to report increased job satisfaction, increased work engagement, and are less likely to miss work. Those who have found their calling but can’t live it tend to report poorer well-being, as well as increased frustration and stress. So how do organizations help their employees live their calling?


Researchers in this study (Buis et al., 2024) examined different aspects that could either help or hinder the ability of employees to live out their calling. They gathered data from 387 leader-follower pairs in several different entertainment and tourism-based organizations across two months.

Results indicated that when organizations provided resources, when employees are empowered, and when leaders are acting as servants in the best interest of their employees, their employees are better able to live out their calling. When employees can live out their calling, they report better quality relationships with their leaders and lower levels of deviant behavior. Finally, these relationships are even stronger when there is a match between the employees’ interests and the interests of the organization.


Employees who are living their calling tend to produce lasting benefits for both their organizations and their own well-being. Organizations who want to help their employees live their calling should do the following:

  • Stay up-to-date on the needs of employees and provide the resources necessary to meet those needs.
  • Give employee plenty of autonomy. In addition, provide opportunities for job-crafting, which is when employees make small changes to better align their job with their interests. This will empower employees and allow them to take charge of their work.
  • Offer one-on-one mentoring or coaching to help employees discover their calling. This will also give leaders the opportunity to learn what is needed to best support their employees.


Buis, B. C., Kluemper, D. H., Weisman, H., & Tao, S. (2024). Your employees are calling: How organizations help or hinder living a calling at work. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 149, 103958.

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