How Organizations Can Better Support Gig Workers

Topic(s): job satisfaction, work-life balance
Publication: Journal of Organizational Behavior
Article: Striving for the self: A self-regulation model of positive identity maintenance in platform-based gig drivers
Authors: J.A. Van Fossen, G.P. Watson, A.M. Schuster, N.M. Baker, C.-H. Chang, S.R. Cotten
Reviewed by: Tyler Cowley

Over the past decade, gig work has grown in popularity. Gig work is characterized by diverse, self-directed, project-based roles that operate outside traditional organizational structures. Unlike conventional employees, gig workers encounter distinct challenges in forming a work identity, which can significantly impact their performance and well-being. As such, this study (Van Fossen et al., 2024) examines how platform-based gig workers sustain a positive work identity. It provides insight into the dynamic processes that they use to connect with their work and define career success.


This study collected data from app-based ride-hailing and delivery drivers between March and July of 2021. The study used virtual focus groups and an online survey. The focus groups explored drivers’ work experiences with structured open-ended and close-ended questions, while the online survey gathered demographic data and driving experience.

Findings show that gig drivers prioritize flexibility, earnings, and well-being to shape their work identity. These goals can also help them deal with some of the more difficult aspects of gig work. For example, some drivers find a sense of identity in the flexibility of their work, which helps them maintain a positive outlook in the face of certain challenges.


As the gig economy continues to expand, the likelihood that organizations will increasingly rely on gig workers is also on the rise. Therefore, the authors suggest several strategies for organizations to better engage and support gig workers:

  • Organizations should encourage networking and community-building, both online and in-person, to foster a sense of belonging and support among gig workers. This approach can help reduce the pressure on gig workers to derive their identity solely from career earnings.
  • Companies and policymakers should provide stronger financial safety nets, enabling gig workers to prioritize their well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This may lead to a healthier lifestyle, more productive work, and improved safety for gig workers.


Van Fossen, J. A., Watson, G. P., Schuster, A. M., Baker, N. M., Chang, C., & Cotten, S. R. (2024). Striving for the self: A self‐regulation model of Positive Identity Maintenance in platform‐based gig drivers. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 1-17.

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