Category: *International Journal of Selection and Assessment

Want more Bang For Your Training Buck? Then make sure your employees feel supported.

Topic: Training
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (JUN 2010)
Article: Social support in the workplace and training transfer: a longitudinal analysis
Authors: D.S. Chiaburu, K. Van Dam, & H.M. Hutchins,
Reviewed By: Jared Ferrell

Maximizing the Predictive Power of Personality Measures

Topic: Assessment, Personality
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (JUN)
Article: Improving prediction of work performance through frame-of-reference consistency: Empirical evidence using openness to experience
Authors: V.L. Pace and M.T. Brannick
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

The Pearls and Perils of Work Sample Exams

Topic: Assessment, Staffing
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (JUN 2010)
Article: Work sample exams and gender adverse impact potential: The influence of self-concept, social skills, and written skills
Authors: P.L. Roth, M.A. Buster, and J. Barnes-Farrell
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Does It Pay to Measure Emotional Intelligence During Selection?

Topic: Assessment, Emotional Intelligence, Staffi
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (MAR 2010)
Article: Emotional intelligence in selection contexts: Measurement method, criterion-related validity, and vulnerability to response distortion
Authors: N.D. Christiansen, J.E. Janovics, and B.P. Siers
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Corporate Image, Attraction, and Top Talent

Topic: Recruiting, Organizational Reputation
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment
Article: Does image matter to different job applicants? The influences of corporate image and applicant individual differences on organizational attractiveness
Authors: W-C. Tsai & I. W-F. Yang
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Cheating on Unproctored Internet-Based Tests – is it a big deal?

Topic: Personality Assessment
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (MAR 2010)
Article: The magnitude and extent of cheating and response distortion effects on unproctored internet-based tests of cognitive ability and personality
Authors: W. Arthur, R.M. Glaze, A.J. Villado, and J.E. Taylor
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Making the Most Out of Multiple-Choice Testing

Topic: Measurement
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment
Article: On minimizing guessing effects on multiple-choice items: Superiority of a two solutions and three distractors item format to a one solution and five distractors item format
Authors: K.D. Kubinger, S. Holocher-Ertl, M. Reif, C. Hohensinn, and M. Frebort
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger