How to Better Motivate Employees? Try Categorizing Rewards and Incentives
Researchers show that dividing rewards into different categories may lead to an increase in employee motivation.
Researchers show that dividing rewards into different categories may lead to an increase in employee motivation.
Does it pay to be disagreeable? A series of four studies show that both women and agreeable men suffer an income penalty unrelated to their job performance or other personality factors.
Researchers conduct a meta-analysis to demonstrate that intelligence plays a role in predicting job performance across various jobs.
Research demonstrates that children perform better when praised for their effort instead of their intelligence. What are the implications for the workplace?
Research finds that too much decision making can lead to employee burnout at work.
Researchers discuss the personality trait of grit and demonstrate how it may play an important role in employee selection.
Researchers discuss diversity and multiculturalism in organizations.
Researchers find that teams using a process called brainwriting, instead of traditional brainstorming, produce better ideas.
Researchers find that being the recipient of gratitude can lead to an increase in self-worth, which may ultimately improve team cohesion.