When Performance Goals are a Must
Topic: Feedback, Goals, Performance
Publication: Human Performance
Article: Achievement goals, feedback, and task performance
Authors: A.M. Cianci, J.M. Schaubroeck, and G.A. McGill
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Feedback, Goals, Performance
Publication: Human Performance
Article: Achievement goals, feedback, and task performance
Authors: A.M. Cianci, J.M. Schaubroeck, and G.A. McGill
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Feedback Publication: Applied Psychology: An International Review (APR09) Article: Consequences of positive and negative feedback: The impact on emotions and extra-role behaviors Authors: F. D. Belschak, D. N. Den Hartog Reviewed By: Sarah Teague Two recent studies conducted by Belschak and Den Hartog (2009) investigated the impact of positive and
Research demonstrates that autonomy at work can influence employees to share more information, which can lead to organizational benefits.
Topic: Feedback, Training Publication: Human Performance Article: Faded versus increasing feedback, task variability trajectories, and transfer of training. Author: J.S. Goodman, R.E. Wood Featured by: Benjamin Granger In training situations, immediate, specific, and frequent feedback to the learner is often prescribed by the experts. However, there is evidence that this “high guidance” feedback may ultimately
Topic: Feedback, Job Performance, Performance Appraisal Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: The influence of a manager’s own performance appraisal on the evaluation of others. Blogger: Benjamin Granger Have you ever received a poor performance appraisal from a supervisor? (Let’s hope not too many!) If you have, were you surprised? (Hey, I’m a pretty good employee! What
Topic: Feedback, Decision Making Publication: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Article: Use of absolute and comparative performance feedback in absolute and comparative judgments and decisions. Blogger: James Grand Few people missed Michael Phelps’ performance during this past Summer Olympics—8 gold medals in 8 races, setting 7 world records in the process (the one race he didn’t get the world record?
Topic: Self Efficacy, Goals Publication: The Journal of Applied Psychology (2008) Article: The role of feedback, causal attributions, and self-efficacy in goal revision .Author: A.P. Tolli, A.M. Schmidt Reviewed by: Benjamin Granger One thing that we know is that employees frequently revise their performance goals. But we know less about how and why they do so….until now. In a recent study from Journal of Applied