Using Simulations to Study, Assess, and Grow Managers
Topic: Training, Management
Publication: American Psychologist
Article: Developing Managerial Talent Through Simulation
Authors: G. C. Thornton, J. N. Cleveland
Reviewed By: Rachel Marsh
Topic: Training, Management
Publication: American Psychologist
Article: Developing Managerial Talent Through Simulation
Authors: G. C. Thornton, J. N. Cleveland
Reviewed By: Rachel Marsh
Topic: Assessment, Training
Publication: Academy of Management Learning & Education (JUN)
Article: Self-assessment of knowledge: A cognitive learning or affective measure?
Authors: T. Sitzmann, K.E. Ely, K.G. Brown and K.N. Bauer
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Assessment Centers
Publication: Human Resource Management Review (September, 2009)
Article: Validity of assessment centers for personnel selection
Authors: Thornton, G. C., & Gibbons, A. M.
Reviewed By: Bobby Bullock
Topic: Goals, Performance, Teams
Publication: Human Performance
Article: What you do for your team comes back to you: A cross-level investigation of individual goal specification, team-goal clarity, and individual performance
Authors: S. Sonnentag and J. Volmer
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Goals, Satisfaction
Publication: Applied Psychology: An International Review (JUN 2010)
Article: Velocity as a predictor of performance satisfaction, mental focus, and goal revision
Authors: J.D. Elicker, R.G. Lord, S.R. Ash, N.C. Kohari, B.J. Hruska, N.L McConnell and M.E. Medvedeff
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Organizational Performance
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (MAY 2010)
Article: Store manager performance and satisfaction: Effects on store employee performance and satisfaction, store customer satisfaction, and store customer spending growth.
Authors: R.G. Netemeyer, J.G. Maxham III, D.R. Lichtenstein
Reviewed By: Allison Gabriel
Topic: Counter-Productive Work Behavior
Publication: Academy of Management Journal
Article: The normalization of deviant organizational practices: Wage arrears in Russia, 1991-98
Authors: Earle, Spicer, & Peter
Reviewed By: Katie Bachman
Topic: Assessment, Personality
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (JUN)
Article: Improving prediction of work performance through frame-of-reference consistency: Empirical evidence using openness to experience
Authors: V.L. Pace and M.T. Brannick
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Talent Management
Publication: The Financial
Article: Employers reshaping talent management programs as economy shifts toward growth
Reviewed by: Sarah Teague
Topic: Feedback, Goals, Performance
Publication: Human Performance
Article: Achievement goals, feedback, and task performance
Authors: A.M. Cianci, J.M. Schaubroeck, and G.A. McGill
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger