The Case For Creative Employees

Topic(s): job performance
Publication: Applied Psychology: An International Review (2013)
Article: Openness to experience as a predictor of job performance trajectories
Authors: A. Minbashian, J. Earl, J.E.H. Bright
Reviewed by: Scott Charles Sitrin

Individuals who are curious and creative – traits within the openness to experience personality dimension – have a slower decline in job performance than those who are less curious and imaginative, according to a study by Amirali Minbashian and Joanne Earl of the University of New South Wales and Jim E.H. Bright of the Australian Catholic University. After about three years, most employees’ performance begins to decline, but the decline of those more open to experiences started later and progressed at a slower rate.

This study examined the relationship between openness and job trajectory of 129 new employees over a four-year period. Fifteen items from the Congruence Personality Scale-2 measured openness, and supervisor rating on a single-item five-point performance scale assessed performance. So, if you want to invest in the long-term, you may consider selecting employees who score high on creativity and openness.


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