The Importance of Locus of Control in the Workplace
Researchers explain the concept of work locus of control and demonstrate its relationship with workplace effectiveness.
Researchers explain the concept of work locus of control and demonstrate its relationship with workplace effectiveness.
Topic: Job Performance, Job Attitudes
Publication: Journal of Vocational Behavior (FEB 2010)
Article: The buffering effects of job embeddedness on negative shocks
Authors: J.P. Burton, B.C. Holtom, C.J. Sablynski, T.R. Mitchell, and T.W. Lee
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Researchers find that cultural minorities are more committed to their
organizations than majority group members. Why does this happen?
Topic: Organizational Performance, Job Attitudes Publication: Academy of Management Journal (DEC 2009) Article: The relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee attitudes, strain and behavior: A meta-analytic examination. Authors: C-H. Chang, C. C. Rosen, & P. E. Levy Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Organizational politics refer to activities that individuals
Topic: Personality, Job Attitudes Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (JUL 2009) Article: Personality and Citizenship Behavior: The mediating role of job satisfaction Authors: Ilies, R., Fulmer, I.S., Spitzmuller, M., & Johnson, M. D. Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) are discretionary work behaviors that enhance the organizational environment
Topic: Job Attitudes Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (JUL 2009) Article: Changes in newcomer job satisfaction over time: Examining the pattern of honeymoons and hangovers Authors: W. R. Boswell, A. J. Shipp, S. C. Payne, & S. S. Culbertson Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Think back to your last job offer. Do you remember
Topic: Culture, Job Attitudes, Workplace Deviance Publication: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Article: Organizational supports and organizational deviance: The mediating role of organization-based self-esteem. Author: D.L. Ferris, D.J. Brown, D. Heller Featured by: Benjamin Granger Organizational deviance such as employee theft (stealing, surfing the web), unexcused absences, and taking long breaks, cost organizations millions of dollars. Fortunately, research has found that supportive work environments make deviant behaviors less likely. But, it is unclear why supportive work
Topic: Change Management, Job Attitudes Publication: Human Resource Management Article: Organizational change cynicism: the role of employee involvement. Author: M. Brown, C. Cregan Featured by: Benjamin Granger Organizational cynicism involves a negative attitude on the part of an employee toward his/her organization. It’s the belief or feeling that one’s organization has sacrificed the basic principles of honesty and fairness to further the self-interest
Researchers show that organizational support programs allow employees to give to each other, which fosters increased feelings of organizational commitment.
Topic: Culture, Job Attitudes, Job Performance Publication: Human Performance Article: Employee lateness behavior: the role of lateness climate and individuals lateness attitude. Blogger: Benjamin Granger Many organizations go to great lengths to curtail employee lateness (showing up tardy for work) and for good reason – it can cost organizations billions of dollars in productivity a year. In